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Education & Affiliations

PhD in Political Science, Yale University | Exp. 2026
New Haven, CT, U.S.

Visiting Researcher, University of Lagos | 2023
Lagos, Nigeria

MA in War Studies, King's College London | 2018
London, U.K.

BA in Political Science (Minor in Statistics), University of Chicago | 2016
Chicago, IL, U.S.


Grasse, Don, Pavlik, Melissa Matfess, Hilary, and Travis B. Curtice. 2021. “Opportunistic Repression: Patterns of civilian targeting by the state in response to COVID-19.” International Security 46 (2): 130–165.

Grasse, Don and Melissa Pavlik. 2023. “Climate change, conflict, and property rights: Evidence from Nigeria.Under review at American Journal of Political Science (AJPS).

Melissa Pavlik. 2024. “Producing Precarity: Repression Through State Restraint in the Lagos Informal Transport Industry” Working (Job Market) Paper.

Bush, Sarah Sunn, Hadden, Jennifer andPavlik, Melissa. 2024. “How Many INGOs Are There? Assessing Missingness and its Implications for INGO data.Working Paper.

Pavlik, Melissa and Ryan Pike. 2024. “Words of Warcraft: Experimental Evidence of States’ Social Media Frames during the Russia-Ukraine Invasion.Working Paper.

Pavlik, Melissa and Johannes Wiedemann. 2022. “The Cost of Doing Business: Sender-state firms and supply-side sanctions politics.” Working Paper.

Pavlik, Melissa. 2021. “Contours of Conflict: An investigation of network centrality and typologies of Taliban violence in Afghanistan.” Working Paper.

[Selected] Analysis & General Audience

Pavlik, Melissa. “The Horror and the Humanity: Review of Samuel Moyn’s Humane.” Tocqueville 2021. September 9, 2021.

Pavlik, Melissa. “Anti-Interventionism Isn’t Enough For Left Foreign Policy.”Foreign Policy. August 28, 2021.

Selected publications for World Politics Review (WPR) | 2021 - 2022

Grasse, Don, Melissa Pavlik, Hilary Matfess, and Travis B. Curtice.“Autocratic governments are using coronavirus as a pretext to clamp down on opponents.The Washington Post. July 31, 2020.

Selected publications for the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) | 2018 - 2020


2021- | Editorial Assistant
American Political Science Review (APSR) Editorial Board Member Elisabeth Wood

2021- | (Quantitative) Research Assistant
Institute for Social and Policy Studies (ISPS) at Yale University

2017 - 2021 | Research Analyst
Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED)

2017 – 2018 | Research Analyst
Emerging African Paradigms Project at King’s College London

2016 - 2017 | Research Analyst & Head of Counterterrorism Team
Institute for the Study of War

Grants, awards, honors

2023 | Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement grant from the National Science Foundaqtion (NSF) via the American Political Science Association (APSA)

2023 | Nuclear Security Fellowship from Nuclear Security Program at International Security Studies at Yale University

2023 | ISS Fellowship from International Security Studies at Yale University

2023 | Pre-Dissertation Research Grant from MacMillan Center for International Area Studies at Yale University

2022 | Graduate Fellowship from Overbrook Fellowship Fund

2018 | Postgraduate scholarship from the Sidney Perry Foundation

2018 | Postgraduate scholarship from Chizel Education Foundation Trust Award

2018 | Postgraduate scholarship from Veterans for Peace

2017 | Research Fellowship from The Hertog Foundation


Programming R, Python (Intermediate), SQL (Beginner), HTML/CSS, Stata (Reluctant)
Visualization & Markup LaTeX, Markdown, Tableau
Geo-spatial QGIS, ArcGIS, Python spatial stack, Google Earth Engine


July 2024 | European Political Science Association (EPSA)

June 2024Political Economy of International Organization
April 2023Boston Area Working Group on African Political Economy (BWGAPE)
March 2023Midwestern Political Science Association (MPSA)
October 2022American Political Science Association (APSA)
October 2021Midwestern Political Science Association (MPSA)
October 2021American Political Science Association (APSA) [DECLINED - COVID]
October 2021Yale University’s Political Violence & Its Legacies (PVL)
October 2021Conflict Dynamics Workshop
February 2019Commonwealth: Countering the Diversion of Small Arms and Light Weaponry
July 2019Countering Improvised Explosive Devices (C-IED) Working Group
October 2019New Methods in Empirical Conflict Research


Professor Elisabeth Wood, Political Science Department, Yale University (Fall 2023)

Professor Kate Baldwin, Political Science Department, Yale University

Professor Robert Wooster, Statistics & Data Science Department, Yale University


Editorial Assistant American Political Science Review (2021– )

Student coordinator Leitner Political Economy Workshop at Yale University (2022– )

Peer Reviewer International Interactions (2021), Journal of Experimental Political Science (2022)

Co-organizer Yale Political Science Department Skit (2022) [script available upon request [no]]